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Discover reviews on "book" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 05:23 PM
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Book Recommendations Summary:


  • LibGen is popular for free access to books.


Anna's Archive


  • MyAnonamouse is praised for private torrenting.
  • Requires an easy interview to join.


  • VK is recommended for novels and recent books, with added content like audiobooks and mobi formats.

Private Torrent Trackers

  • MyAnonamouse and TheGeeks are suggested for private torrent trackers.

Audiobooks Requests

  • Some users recommend casting requests on Z-Library, LibGen, or use Google searches with specific parameters.

IRC for Fiction

  • IRC is suggested for connecting to the IRCHighway group #ebooks for fiction books.

Popular Books

  • Users shared their favorite books, including:
    • East of Eden by John Steinbeck
    • Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut
    • The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

Self-Help Books

History and Academic Recommendations

  • Users shared history and academic book recommendations including:
    • American Bottom Archaeology by Charles J. Bareis and James W. Porter
    • A World at Arms: A Global History of World War 2 by Gerhard Weinberg
    • Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present by Ruth Ben-Ghiat

Humorous Book Titles

  • Users suggested books with funny titles such as American Bottom Archaeology and Too Naked For the Nazis.

Helpful Resources

  • Additional resources like Perlego, libraries with OverDrive/Libby, and ways to bypass certain book file restrictions were shared.


  • Some comments included requests, funny incidents like receiving the wrong book, and academic history book recommendations.

These comments provide a diverse range of book-related information, including different platforms for accessing books, suggestions for various genres, and valuable resources for book enthusiasts.

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