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Last updated: October 1, 2024 at 01:00 AM
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Best Workout Logger App for Android

Reddit Comments Summary

Comments on Workout Logger Apps

  • Users had different preferences for workout logger apps, some liked Reddit Sync Pro while others preferred BaconReader.
  • Reddit News was praised for its UI and in-app browser functionality.
  • Some users mentioned using Reddit Is Fun for its features and proactively updated, but found its UI lacking.
  • Reddit Now users highlighted its translucent bars and promised Material Design update.
  • Reddit Offline was recommended for offline reading.
  • Users appreciated different features like history syncing, in-line ads, and Gfycat conversion.

Preferences and Suggestions for Workout Logger Apps

  • Users had varying preferences for features like UI design, functionality, and syncing capabilities.
  • Some preferred certain apps for their simple UI, while others valued features like sorting, photo additions, and progress tracking.
  • Suggestions for an ideal workout logger app included score tracking, progressions, community features, and My Humidor-like tracking for cigars.

Overall Recommendations

  • Preferences differed among users, with some favoring Reddit Sync Pro, Reddit News, and Reddit Is Fun for various reasons.
  • Specific features like in-app browsing, UI design, and functionality influenced users' choices.
  • While some users had complaints or desired additional features in certain apps, they were generally content with their chosen workout logger app.

Based on the Reddit comments, the best workout logger app for Android is subjective and depends on individual preferences for features, UI design, and functionality.

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