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Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 02:37 PM
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Best Python Resources for Beginners

Online Courses and Websites

  • Master Python Online Course: A website recommended for Python beginners, featuring well-explained content, practice problems, and good for passing on to new learners.
  • Python.org: A versatile resource for Python beginners with tutorials and documentation.


Online Courses and Platforms

  • Udemy Courses like "Python Programming In Depth" and "Learn Python Programming Masterclass" are recommended.
  • Free Python MOOC 2024 Course from the University of Helsinki.
  • Google's Python Class and Python for Data Science on edX are mentioned as good resources.

YouTube Channels

  • Corey Schafer's YouTube Channel: Highly recommended for Python tutorials.
  • CS Dojo YouTube Channel: Another resource for learning Python.

IDEs and Editors

  • PyCharm: suited for big projects and offers extensive tooling for testing.
  • Visual Studio Code: Widely recommended for being versatile, lightweight, and supporting multiple languages.
  • Jupyter Notebooks: Ideal for machine learning, data science, and data analysis.
  • VSCode with VIM extension: Combines advanced VIM features with the friendliness of VSCode.

Project Ideas

  • Vowel Input: A user inputs project involving offering a user to input a vowel character.
  • Persistence Function: A project focusing on a persistence algorithm.
  • Web Scraping Project: Introduces web scraping using Requests and BeautifulSoup.
  • Automating Tasks: Recommended to practice automation projects for personal mundane tasks.
  • Build a Game Project: Ideal for practicing game logic, graphics, and user input.
  • Data Analysis Tool Project: For applying data analysis concepts using libraries like Pandas and NumPy.
  • Web Application Development: Practice building a web application using web frameworks like Flask or Django.
  • Create a Chatbot: Build a simple chatbot project using ChatterBot.
  • Machine Learning Project: Construct a simple machine learning model for data classification or predictions.

Learning Strategies

  • Focus on understanding and practicing small projects with less than 20 lines of code.
  • Start with implementing common Python library functions and gradually work on real-world problem-solving projects.
  • Gradually advance to more complex projects once foundational concepts are clear.

Other Recommendations

  • Consider sys.argv and optparse for passing arguments instead of using input() for user prompts.
  • Engage in game projects like writing tic-tac-toe or connect four for young learners.
  • Utilize resources like Kid's Python website and YouTube channel for additional learning support.

These resources cover a range of learning materials, platforms, books, projects, and learning strategies beneficial for those embarking on their Python programming journey as beginners.

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