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Last updated: September 5, 2024 at 07:02 AM
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Best Practices for Inserting Photos in Figma

Groups vs. Frames

  • Groups: Used for keeping elements together, can be useful for specific situations
    • "Groups are useful in instances where the full functionality of a Frame is cumbersome."
  • Frames: Essential for auto layout and responsiveness
    • "Your freelancer is a twit. I think he/she is living in the Photoshop era. When designing in figma, framing is the way."

Auto Layout

  • Auto Layout: Crucial for responsive design
    • "Adding auto layout to a group or a frame turns it into a frame with auto layout regardless."
    • "You should be using Frames (and by extension, Auto Layout) most of the time."

Resources and Articles


  • FireJet Figma to Code Plugin: Enforces best practices in Figma, such as converting groups to frames and enforcing auto-layout
  • FireJet Figma to Code Plugin

General Tips

  • Start with Content: Begin UI design with content in mind
  • Component Naming: Naming components and elements based on a standardized system can aid developers

Design Systems

  • Implement Design Systems: Encouraged for efficiency and consistency
  • Quest.ai: Recommended for higher code quality

External Tools

  • Herofy.co: Provides tools and services to convert Figma designs into real components

By following these best practices and guidelines, designers can enhance their workflow in Figma and create more efficient and responsive designs.

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