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Discover reviews on "best ozone generator" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 4, 2024 at 10:40 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "Best Ozone Generator"

Ozone Generators

  • ForeverOzone: A website recommended for good and relatively cheap ozone generators.
  • Some users suggest starting with a basic machine and gradually increasing usage time, emphasizing not to overdo it.
  • Users advise caution with ozone generators around pets, mentioning that ozone can be harmful if inhaled.
  • Amazon: Mentioned as a source where one user bought a cheap ozone generator that effectively eliminated odors.
  • Users suggest using ozone generators for various smells like cigarette smoke, mold, and pet odor.
  • Pros: Effective at eliminating odors, relatively inexpensive, easy to use.
  • Cons: Requires caution as ozone is toxic and must be used carefully to avoid health risks.

Alternative Suggestions

  • Some users recommend using chlorine dioxide instead of ozone generators.
  • Users suggest methods like deep cleaning, painting, and sealing surfaces to eliminate odors before using an ozone generator.
  • Recommendations include using products like KILZ restoration primer to seal surfaces and painting walls for odor removal.
  • Suggestions feature alternative odor removal techniques like solar panels, solar-powered air conditioners, and heaters.
  • Pros: Offers alternative methods for odor removal.
  • Cons: Some methods may be time-consuming and require additional costs.

Safety and Usage Tips

  • Advice on handling ozone generators safely includes ventilating well after use and avoiding inhaling ozone.
  • Recommendations include moving the generator around to treat an entire house effectively and waiting a day after treatment to ensure air quality.
  • Pros: Provides safety tips for using ozone generators effectively.
  • Cons: Requires careful handling to prevent health risks associated with ozone inhalation.

Personal Experiences and Recommendations

  • Users share experiences of using ozone generators successfully to eliminate odors like cigarette smoke and mold.
  • Recommendations include methods to combine ozone treatment with painting walls and sealing surfaces for best results in odor removal.
  • Pros: Users share success stories of effectively using ozone generators for odor elimination.
  • Cons: Some users mention lingering ozone smell, potential health risks, and the need for additional odor removal techniques.

Overall, while ozone generators are lauded for their effectiveness in eliminating odors, users emphasize the importance of proper usage, safety precautions, and combining treatments with other methods for best results in odor removal. It is crucial to handle ozone generators with care and consider alternative techniques for comprehensive odor elimination.

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