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Discover reviews on "best home generators" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 3, 2024 at 03:49 PM
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Best Home Generators

Honda or Yamaha Generators

  • Honda EU2200i: Considered the gold standard in small, quiet, and efficient generators.
  • Honda EU7000is: Recommended for larger needs with enough power to run essentials, though it may not run a well pump without assistance.
  • Yamaha: Known for their reliability and good performance.


  • Reliable
  • Quiet
  • Efficient


  • Higher price point
  • Limited power output for some models

Kohler Generators

  • Known for their quality, but some generators may not handle below freezing temperatures well.


  • Good quality
  • Various options available


  • Cold weather issues for some models

Generac Generators

  • Duromax 13kW: Can run on natural gas, propane, or gasoline.
  • Whole house generators available.

Other Recommendations


  • Understand wattage needs for your home.
  • Consider fuel type and availability.
  • Ensure cold weather functionality.
  • Look for generators with field flashing functionality.
  • Install a transfer switch for safety.
  • Research user reviews for specific climates.

These generators are popular options for powering homes during outages. Consider factors like power needs, fuel type, and reliability when choosing a generator. Make sure to check for cold weather functionality and read user reviews to find the best fit for your needs. Remember to install a transfer switch for safety with standby generators. Plan your purchase based on your specific requirements to ensure your home is powered during emergencies.

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