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Discover reviews on "best book in the world" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: August 29, 2024 at 05:40 AM
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Best Book in the World

Book of Mormon (BoM)

  • Comments express disappointment in considering BoM as the best book.
  • Criticism for using a celebrity to profit off religious beliefs.
  • Discussion of Mormon culture and practices.
  • Some users find the behavior around BoM grifting disgusting.

World War Z

  • Users praise World War Z for its vivid storytelling and lack of wasted stories.
  • The audiobook version is highly recommended for enhancing the experience.
  • Some find parts unrealistic or weak.
  • Suggestions to avoid the movie adaptation.


  • Users share humorous and supportive comments related to the topic.
  • Mention of books being used as weapons, such as in TV shows like Doctor Who and movies like John Wick.

Comic Book Store in Portland

Favorite Zombie Book

  • Users discuss favorite zombie books, with mentions of World War Z and the importance of thorough world-building.
  • Concerns raised on the unrealism in some parts of the book.

PC Building and Gaming

  • Remarks about parents' understanding of building PCs and playing games.
  • Users share their experiences with technology and gaming, including preference for MacBooks, Chromebooks, and gaming PCs.

Fantasy World-Building Books

Favorite Authors for World-Building

YouTube Resources and Educational Material

  • Suggestions for YouTube channels like Hello Future Me and Tale Foundry for world-building tips.
  • Book recommendations such as The Golden Bough and The Complete Art of World Building.

Unique Smells

  • Users share their favorite unique smells, including garlic and onions simmering, fresh coffee, and pets' smell.
  • Sentimental mentions of smells related to loved ones.

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