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Discover reviews on "best bluelight glasses" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: December 17, 2024 at 08:46 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "best bluelight glasses"

Blue Light Glasses Recommendations:

  • Firmoo blue light blocking glasses: Designed to reduce glare, increase contrast, and maximize screen viewing. One user shared, "I ordered glasses with the FL-41 (pink) lenses from zenni and have been wearing them for a few days. I'm less overstimulated when it's bright and really notice the difference when i take them off."

  • Gunnar: Mentioned as one of the best options by a user.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Blue Light Glasses:

  • Lens Types:

    • Clear lenses: Block up to 40% blue light.
    • Yellow lenses: Can block up to 75% blue light.
    • Dark orange lenses: Not recommended for night use.
  • Stylistic Preference and Build Quality: Some users emphasized the importance of personal style and the durability of the glasses.

Additional Tips and Considerations:

  • Specific Needs: If you have light sensitivity, it's recommended to consider lenses like FL-41.
  • Conditions like Visual Snow Syndrome (VSS): Sunglasses or tinted lenses may be more suitable for managing symptoms.
  • Autism and Light Sensitivity: Users with autism found relief in polarized sunglasses for bright environments.
  • Personal Experiences: Responses varied, with some individuals finding blue light glasses ineffective while others experienced a positive difference.

Cautions and Considerations:

  • Critical Views: Some users caution against investing in blue light glasses, viewing them as a marketing tactic with unproven benefits. One user advised, "Don't waste money on Blue Light filters/glasses. Blue light filter is unproven science, that glasses shops and optician push to boost profits."

  • Note: The thread also contains discussions on other unrelated topics such as drug usage methods, but the recommendations and experiences shared above are specific to blue light glasses.

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