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Last updated: October 23, 2024 at 06:52 PM
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Best Techniques for ADHD

Snowflake Method

  • Structured approach for writing.
  • Involves separating the writing process into small tasks.
  • Recommended resource: Snowflake Method by Advanced Fiction Writing.

Writing Outline Approach with Excel

  • Write outline in Excel with numbers.
  • Use random number generator to choose which part to write each day.
  • Provides novelty and dopamine.
  • Helpful method for completion.
  • User Quote: "My therapist recommended writing the outline in excel and putting a number next to each line. Then use a random number generator to pick which part of the thing you are going to write that day."

ADHD Medication (Amphetamine)

  • Legally prescribed for improved focus.
  • Can make a significant difference in focus and productivity.
  • User Quote: "Good advice. I also recommend amphetamine (legally prescribed, of course). Personally, the difference in my focus is night and day."

Writing Technique (Outline-Based with Full Sentences)

  • Described as similar to writing an outline but with full sentences.
  • Effective for story completion.
  • User Quote: "Most of the stories I'm able to finish are like this. It's kind of like writing an outline but with full sentences and then adding in the stuff that makes it a story."

Switching between Physical and Digital Writing Spaces

  • Switching between physical and digital writing.
  • Helps in maintaining focus.
  • Moving to different workspaces (front porch, dining room, park, etc.) for improved productivity and focus.
  • User Quote: "Also physically moving to different work spaces - front porch, couch, bedroom, dining room, park, cafe, etc. No matter how well it’s going, if I sit in one place and write for too long I will lose focus and possibly fall asleep."

Writing Longer Novels Method (Basic Plot to Complete Draft)

  • Method involves stages such as basic plot, thorough plot, rough draft, and complete draft.
  • Limits drafting to avoid excessive editing.
  • User Quote: "Hello, fellow ADHD friend! This is pretty similar to what I do. I use an additional step, though, which works for me, but isn't the sort of advice you want to give a child."

Word Salad Writing Technique

  • Helps with organizing ideas.
  • Utilizes a 'word salad' method for jotting down ideas in any order and later adding structure.
  • User Quote: "I also use what I call 'word salad'... So what I do is I put all my ideas down in whatever order they occur to me, and I add in structure later."

Mental Health Responsibility

  • Encourages taking personal responsibility for mental health.
  • Differentiates between reason and excuse related to mental health conditions like ADHD.
  • User Quote: "Your girlfriend is the asshole... She can't help it?? She sure can, starting by 1. Not picking up her phone while cooking... She refuses to help herself and in turn puts both your life and that of your neighbors in danger."

Teaching Techniques for ADHD in School

  • Negative experiences in school due to undiagnosed ADHD.
  • Impact of rigid teaching methods on ADHD individuals.
  • User Quote: "The entire system of 'earn it or you don’t get a thing' worked when it was just me, but when I was much younger I couldn’t process 'your classmates let you down' and it really irked me."

Problematic School Situations

  • Personal experiences with teacher judgment, humiliation, and ostracization due to ADHD symptoms.
  • Impact of negative experiences on self-esteem and academic performance.
  • User Quote: "The horrendous wrote method of teaching students math... Long division was a perfect example... Algebra was a confusing maze of rules where the why was never explained. Teachers did the minimum."

This compilation includes various techniques, tips, and personal anecdotes related to managing ADHD symptoms, effective writing methods, medication recommendations, mental health advocacy, and challenging school experiences for individuals with ADHD.

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