Last updated: September 17, 2024 at 03:42 PM
Summary of Reddit Comments on "Begode EXN vs RS"
Begode EXN
- Features larger batteries for longer range compared to RS.
- A heavy wheel with a powerful motor.
- The torque from the EXN is more than enough for most rideRS.
- OffeRS good stability and power delivery.
- Some useRS report issues with dust resistance.
- Heavier than the Sherman.
- Some concerns about shock exposure at the bottom.
- OffeRS a torque veRSion.
- The EXN is 10 pounds heavier than the Sherman.
- Has a bigger tire and shell size.
Begode RS
- Lighter and more nimble than the EXN.
- Provides a great amount of torque, nimbleness, and quick acceleration.
- OffeRS good balance and makes rideRS happy.
- Some reports of the RS being more enjoyable to ride than the EXN.
- Preferable for off-road riding and carrying/lifting the wheel.
- UseRS have reported fewer issues and repaiRS compared to the EXN.
- The EXN is heavier, offeRS longer range, and more power.
- The RS is lighter, more nimble, provides good torque, and balance.
- Owning a V8 may influence choosing the EXN for its larger battery and motor.
- Consider the type of riding (street vs. off-road) and weather conditions.
Additional Information
- V12 HT is praised for being nimble, water-resistant, high-tech, and good for cruising.
- The Patton is deemed comfortable but may lack in range compared to the Ex30.
- Commander Mini is noted for its power curve and ease of reaching high speeds.
- Master wheel is recommended over the bulkier and heavier Ex30.
- Consider peRSonal preferences, riding styles, and needs when choosing between EXN and RS.