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Discover reviews on "baby" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 13, 2024 at 10:57 PM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "Baby":

Baby Sign Language:

  • Babies can communicate using sign language before they can speak formally.
  • Some parents have successfully used Baby Sign Language before their kids could talk.
  • Babies generally reach speech milestones in sign language 1-2 months quicker than they can speak.
  • Watching videos on Jessica Kellgren-Fozard's YouTube channel can provide more insights into babies and sign language.


  • Babies can communicate basic needs effectively.
  • Helps bridge communication gap before babies can talk.
  • Babies show excitement and engagement when using sign language.
  • Faster speech development in babies using sign language.


  • Some babies might find it overstimulating.
  • Requires effort and consistency from parents.
  • Might not be suitable for all babies.

Sleep Deprivation:

  • Parents can experience lapses in memory and judgment due to lack of sleep.
  • Sleep Deprivation is a common struggle for parents with newborns.


  • Parents bond over shared experiences of exhaustion.
  • Parents achieve a deeper understanding of the challenges parents face.


  • Parental stress and anxiety levels can increase.
  • Sleep Deprivation can lead to memory lapses and potentially dangerous situations.

Dave Grohl News - Cheating Scandal:

  • Dave Grohl faced backlash after revealing a cheating scandal.
  • Fans expressed disappointment and betrayal over his actions.


  • Fans appreciated Grohl's honesty in addressing the scandal.
  • Some users shared personal encounters with Grohl, adding context to their reactions.


  • Fans felt let down and questioned their support for Grohl.
  • Allegations of inappropriate behavior were unsettling for some users.

Room Mural:

  • A couple painted an intricate, medieval-inspired mural in their baby's room.
  • The mural received mixed reactions, with concerns over potential fears it might evoke.


  • The mural was praised for its artistic quality and dedication.
  • Parents were commended for their creativity and craftsmanship.


  • Some users felt the mural could be unsettling for children.
  • Concerns were raised about potential nightmares the mural might induce.


  • Discussions included support and criticism of political figures.
  • Older voters were observed shifting support from Trump to Kamala Harris.


  • Older voters showed a shift in support towards Kamala Harris.
  • Calls for active voter participation and repudiation of past political trends.


  • Divisiveness related to Politics was evident in the comments.
  • Criticism of political figures and concerns over the state of the nation were prevalent.

Overall, the Reddit comments provided insights on Baby Sign Language, Sleep Deprivation, a cheating scandal involving Dave Grohl, Room Murals, and political discussions. The comments varied in tone and perspectives, showcasing a diverse range of opinions and experiences related to the query "baby."

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