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Discover reviews on "automation usecase" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 10, 2024 at 06:18 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "Automation Usecase":

Digital Twin in Automotive Industry

  • Digital twin technology can be used in the automotive industry to create a digital replica of car parts on the Tangle.
  • The digital twin provides transparency in the supply chain, allowing tracking of the part's history and source.
  • Pros: Absolute transparency for customers, ability to track part's entire history.
  • Cons: No specific use case provided, need for practical application of the technology.

DLT for Tamper-Proof Data Logging in Cars

  • DLT can be utilized for tamper-proof and timestamp logging of important car data.
  • Storing sensor data hashes on the Tangle ensures data integrity, useful for verifying data post-accidents or during car sales.
  • Pros: Ensures data integrity, enhances transparency.
  • Cons: Lack of specific application discussed.

IOTA Solutions for Mobility and Automotive

  • IOTA offers solutions for mobility and automotive industries, such as car wallets for autonomous payments and automatic battery charging connectors.
  • Potential applications include selling traffic data, paying convoy vehicles, and integrating sensors for various functionalities.
  • Pros: Enables autonomous transactions, enhances automotive functionality.
  • Cons: Lack of examples showing real-world application.

DLT for Ensuring Data Integrity in Manufacturing

  • DLTs are valuable when dealing with multiple untrusted parties in manufacturing.
  • Use of Project Alvarium combined with digital twins can ensure sensor data integrity before it reaches the factory.
  • Pros: Ensures data integrity, mitigates risk of falsified sensor data.
  • Cons: Complexity in implementation and lack of practical examples provided.

Exploring IOTA Resources for Inspiration

  • Sources like the IOTA website and Discord server can provide brainstorming ideas for use cases.
  • Beginners guide and technical discussions on platforms like Discord can offer valuable insights.
  • Pros: Access to community knowledge and resources for ideation.
  • Cons: Potential information overload without specific use case guidance.

Suggestions for Product Integration and Automation

  • Mention of tying IOTA with TIA Portal for PLC integration and enabling automated payments for car parking.
  • Possibilities like sending tips to mechanics or electricians for servicing equipment using IOTA.
  • Pros: Enhances automation and payment capabilities.
  • Cons: Lack of detailed implementation scenarios.

Negative Feedback on Windows 11

  • One user expresses dissatisfaction with Windows 11, indicating a negative perception of the operating system.

General Reflection on Technology Solutions

  • Criticism of focusing on solutions without clearly defined problems in the tech ecosystem.
  • Emphasis on starting with identifying problems and then seeking solutions for meaningful technological advancements.
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