Last updated: September 11, 2024 at 12:49 AM
Summary of Reddit Comments on Archangel Metatron
Experiences and Connections with Archangel Metatron
- Users have shared various experiences with Archangel Metatron:
- One user mentioned a dream with Metatron asking about mortality.
- Another user prays to Metatron for their children's protection.
- A user incorporates Metatron in a protection spell.
- Multiple users have encountered Metatron during meditations, rituals, and dreams.
- Some users feel a strong connection with Metatron when seeking guidance or support.
Rituals and Practices with Archangel Metatron
- Practices involving Archangel Metatron include sigil rituals, meditative trances, and visualizations.
- Users mentioned following specific rituals outlined in books like "Angelic Sigils Keys and Calls."
- Metatron is perceived as gentle, supportive, and a guide to achieving goals.
Transformative Encounters with Archangel Metatron
- Encounters with Archangel Metatron have led to life-changing experiences for some users.
- Users have reported significant personal transformations and guidance after connecting with Metatron.
- A user described a vision of sacred Metatron cubes leading to a 180-degree change in their life.
Artistic References and Interpretations
- Users made references to artwork and images of Metatron available online.
- One user mentioned a card named Liesa, Forgotten Archangel in a card game.
- There were discussions about various art interpretations of Metatron and related characters in different contexts.
Miscellaneous Comments
- Some users engaged in discussions related to magic, mechanical design, and color associations with Magic: The Gathering cards.
- There were humorous references and jokes about Metatron and related topics.
- A user shared disappointment in the choice of artwork for a card featuring Metatron.
These Reddit comments collectively provide insights into personal experiences, rituals, transformative encounters, artistic interpretations, and casual discussions related to Archangel Metatron and associated themes, offering a multifaceted view of users' connections with this angelic figure.