Summary of Reddit Comments on "aoe2"
Favorite Memories of Playing AoE2
Players shared various nostalgic memories playing Age of Empires II, such as playing with family members, receiving the game as a gift, and struggling with older computers to run the game.
Some childhood experiences with the game included parents watching them play, interruptions for meals or leaving home, struggling to match up to rivals in the game, and being amazed by the game's concept.
Others noted fond memories of specific campaigns like Attila's, personal achievements like beating tough opponents, and fun experiences playing with friends or siblings.
Forgotten Units in AoE2
Users pointed out various forgotten units like Xolotl Warrior, Siege Towers, and Thrifty Ships. These units rarely make appearances in gameplay due to various reasons like being less frequently utilized or not as integral to strategies.
Some users humorously struggled to remember specific unit names, showcasing how certain units have faded from memory due to being overshadowed by more popular or essential units.
Miscellaneous Comments
A variety of miscellaneous comments highlighted random aspects of the game, such as the difficulty in remembering certain unit names, joking references to forgotten or less-utilized units, and the comedic challenges in recalling complex or rare unit names.
Users shared light-hearted anecdotes about struggling to remember specific unit names, showcasing the game's vast array of units and the sometimes forgettable nature of certain lesser-known ones.
Overall, the Reddit comments highlighted a mix of nostalgic reminiscences, playful banter about forgotten units, and humorous exchanges relating to unique aspects of Age of Empires II.