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Discover reviews on "ai art" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 5, 2024 at 02:18 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "AI art"

Overview of AI art

  • AI art includes artworks generated with the help of artificial intelligence technology.
  • Some users appreciate the switch to thought bubbles made using AI in a comic.
  • AI generation is likened to a casino where the results are not always predictable.
  • Stable Diffusion is mentioned as a challenging skill in AI art.
  • Some users believe that AI art lacks the depth and storytelling present in traditional art forms.
  • A comparison is made to Photoshop art where some users feel AI art can produce exceptional pieces.

Pros and Cons of AI art

  • Pros:

    • Some users find AI art amazing, natural-looking, and a potential evolution in art.
    • AI art can be efficient and cost-effective for generating visuals.
    • Reference and inspiration: Many users find AI art useful for generating ideas and references.
  • Cons:

    • Lack of originality: AI art is criticized for lacking the unique touch of a human artist.
    • Concerns about ethics regarding training AI models on artists' work without consent or compensation.
    • Some see AI art as a threat to traditional artists' livelihoods and commercial art industries.

Artist Perspective

  • Artists, particularly those in commercial fields, express concerns about job security and market saturation.
  • Some artists feel that their work and efforts are being devalued by the proliferation of AI-generated art.
  • The ease and speed of AI art creation have led to a perception that it requires less skill and effort than traditional art.
  • The debate around AI art often centers on accusations of dishonesty, especially when users claim AI-generated works as their own.
  • Regulation and ethical training of AI models using artists' work are seen as crucial to address copyright and ownership concerns.

Critics of AI art

  • Some users criticize AI art for its visual quality, comparing it to fast food or mass-produced goods.
  • Resistance towards AI art is sometimes linked to fear of obsolescence and lack of understanding of the technology.
  • AI artists are perceived negatively when their work is seen as displacing human artists in the industry.
  • The arrogant attitude and misrepresentation of AI art by some users have led to backlash from traditional artists.

User Experiences and Queries

  • Some users share their personal experiences with AI art, from using it as a reference to feeling threatened by its prevalence.
  • The mixed reactions to AI art highlight a range of perspectives, from embracing it as a helpful tool to rejecting it as a threat to artistic integrity.
  • Opinions on AI art range from genuine appreciation for its capabilities to deep skepticism about its impact on the art industry.
  • The debate around AI art involves considerations of skill, ethics, creativity, and commercial implications in the art world.

Note: The summary reflects a variety of opinions and perspectives shared in the Reddit comments regarding AI art.

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