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Last updated: December 9, 2024 at 09:23 PM
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Address List for MikroTik

MikroTik Configuration

  • MikroTik RoSv6 is mentioned for setting up an address list and activating a routing mark.
  • For VPN configuration in MikroTik, it is recommended to add a routing table for RoSv7.
  • Policy routing using mangle rules is suggested for MikroTik devices.
  • Separating traffic using static routes in the routing table is advised for directing specific traffic.

Reddit User Experience

  • Some users expressed dissatisfaction with their IPv6 configuration from their ISPs, mentioning dynamic prefixes, lack of options to turn off DHCPv6, and blocked incoming connections.
  • The option of setting up personal IPv6 tunnels and encountering challenges with ISPs' configurations was discussed.
  • Different perspectives on using personal IP space from an RIR, finding a VPS provider for BGP, and setting up a 6in4 tunnel were shared.

Hardware Recommendations

  • Router Recommendation: Users shared experience with MikroTik devices such as RB5009, CCR2004, and RB4011, highlighting pros and cons of performance, stability, and ease of use.
  • Suggestions for combining Ubiquiti hardware like ER-X with ISP-provided modems for improved performance were mentioned.
  • IPv4 vs IPv6: Several users discussed the benefits and limitations of IPv6 compared to public IPv4 addresses, including NAT concerns and the need for multiple public IP addresses.

Troubleshooting and Configuration

  • Recommendations on setting up a MikroTik wireguard interface and troubleshooting connectivity issues were shared.
  • Using pfSense as an intermediate network device for packet inspection was discussed, with advice on increasing troubleshooting and recovery time.
  • VLAN configuration and routing advice for MikroTik and pfSense setups were provided, focusing on segregation and bridging network segments.

Networking Configuration Tips

  • Suggestions for addressing subnetting errors, creating** VLAN bridges**, and setting up DHCP for segmentation were shared.
  • Configuration steps involving segregating ports, assigning DHCP, creating bridges, and setting routes were recommended for segregating networks and managing traffic flow.

These summaries encompass Reddit users' experiences, recommendations, and troubleshooting tips related to MikroTik address lists and networking configurations.

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