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Discover reviews on "698224" based on Reddit discussions and experiences.

Last updated: September 9, 2024 at 01:42 AM
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Summary of Reddit Comments on "698224"

  • MP Link:

    • Description: Refers to a link from which viewers were supposed to stream map 3 of a certain event.
    • Pros: Provides access to live streams of events for viewers.
    • Cons: Sometimes links may not work as expected, leading to lack of streaming for certain maps as noted by one user who mentioned, "I don't know what happened on map 3, it wasn't streamed and that's what the MP Link said."

    • Description: Represents a sentiment of disappointment or sympathy for SWEDEN.
    • Pros: Expresses emotional connection or support for individuals or situations related to SWEDEN.
    • Cons: Indicates a negative or sad feeling, as captured by the user who expressed, "FeelsBadMan SWEDEN."

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